E-Mail Address
Home #
Last Name
First Name
Work #
How Many Bedrooms?
If so, in a two story apartment
Most apartments are in 2 or 3 level buildings. Do you have a floor prefence?
In a three story apartment
Do you have pets?
If so,how many dogs?
If you have a dog(s), please tell me the breed and weight
Where would you like to live? (example, close to job or school, what city,  etc.)
Please list any features that you would like the apartment or apartment community to have.
Price Range:
Length of Lease
Other Info:
Please tell me about anything else you might want in an apartment or anything about yourself that you feel might assist me in finding you the perfect apartment
Thank you for filling out this form. Once I have looked over the questionaire, I will call or e-mail you with any additional questions I might have.

Once I fully understand you housing needs, I will get back to you with information on those apartments that best matches your specific needs.
Time Frame
When will you need the apartment and how long will you need the apartment for?
how many cats?
Cell phone #
How did you hear of us?(required)
Contact Information
Client Needs
Please discuss with me the topics that can influence your ability to qualify for an apartment.
What is your monthly gross income (BEFORE Taxes). 
Rental History
Do you have formal rental history? If so, is it good or bad? If bad, please discuss.
Credit History
Please discuss your credit. If you know your credit score, please share it with me. 
Is their any additional information about yourself that may influence the apartment in making a decision about yourself.